Ashley Holm
Attorney & Counselor at Law
Ashley began Lawyer A-Go-Go to achieve her goal of delivering impeccable client service, all while being able to live a nomadic lifestyle. Ashley works with each client with great care and attention to detail, and processes every case with the hard work and creativity that only an experienced attorney can deliver.
Practicing law for over ten years, Ashley has focused on a diverse range of tax and business topics, from individual taxation of globally mobile US expats and foreign inpats, to the federal international, indirect, state, and local tax laws. Lawyer A-Go-Go assists taxpayers create the most efficient structures and agreements for their personal financial situations. The firm also assists clients with non-business-related matters.
Committed to an educated, equitable, and peaceful future, Ashley remains an advocate for worker’s rights, women’s rights and the rights of all marginalized groups who continue to face systemic oppression.